2009 is quickly coming to an end, and I'm still wondering where the whole year went?? Presley will be 1 in just a few days; it's completely overwhelming. I still feel like she's my little baby, when I guess she's turning into a toddler before my eyes. Just the day after Christmas she started walking more than crawling! Her little personality is too much fun as she is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Her smile lights up her entire face and now it's just not that "gummy" smile as she has 5 teeth. I have a ladybug party planned and am attempting to make her cake as well. Maddy's turned out really cute, so I thought..what the heck, why not make life harder and attempt it again??
Madysen is now 3 and we are still potty training. She is still completely and utterly terrified to #2 on the toilet, so I would say she's 95% day trained and we haven't even begun night time yet. She will ask for a diaper to do her duties, then back to underwear. I'm afraid to push her because her pediatrician said just to back off and the let it happen. Last time I tried the "tough love", she was constipated for days and miserable. I know it'll happen, but its so hard when everyone else you know with children the same age compare stories. I constantly question myself wondering if I'm not doing something right, but I feel like I have taken everyone's advice and still no success. I keep praying to God that he gives her the courage to overcome her fears and it will happen. I just can't help to be jealous of those other mothers though who "just put underwear on their kids and that was it!!" Oh well, I suppose it will happen sooner or later! I'm just curious as to how many diapers I have changed in the past 3 years?? :) As we have started using the potty, Maddy has had so many questions about why boys stand, why girls sit, why the Walmart bathroom is icky, why she can touch some toilets and not others, and so on and so on. But, recently she asked out of nowhere, "Mommy, does Santa pee standing up?"... I just thought that was adorable! Someday, I know I will definitely miss these innocent moments.
Christmas was EXCELLENT this year, despite my husband having to work Christmas morning. Maddy was such a blast. We did the whole Christmas Eve tradition--cookies for Santa, carrots for the reindeer, and read The Night Before Christmas. Presley wasn't too interested in opening presents but was more intrigued with the boxes above anything else. Maddy however loved all of it, especially her roller skates!
And so, as 2009 comes to a close I remember this year as full of so many adventures..having a new addition to our family, a summer full of fun on our old boat, a great time watching Madysen interact with the neighbors and build new friendships, and wonderful holidays with the ones we love. We have all that we need- happy and healthy children, a strong, loving marriage, and many people who love and support us. Thank you 2009 for all the memories....
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